By asking how old poeple are we can see what the most common age is of people viewing our work, this can come in handy when it comes to producing our work and what ge certificate we select.
Asking what certificate people prefer is also important to give us a general opinion for when we decide on what are can be, however the previous question does have to be taken into consideration as if everyone was under 18 but they prefered 18 films it wouldn't be appropriate.
As we will be making an opening sequence it is quite important we understand what people enjoy. For this reason we ask do they like fast or slow openings. Although this is a start we could develop it in are final one by asking why they like it.
Most of the answers varied which did not help us as each of the audience liked different things. On our next survey, we should keep the answer limited so that they have a choice of what they expect to see to make it less varied, helping us get the best results.
In conclusion this pilot has helped show us how we can develop are questions in order to find out the information we want.
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