Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Binary Opposition.

Binary Opposition

Binary oppposition is the theory that you cannot understand one thing without an understanding of the opposite.

A few basic examples of binary opposition include:

  • Hot & Cold
  • Right &Wrong
  • Light & Dark
  • Happy & Sad
(I decided to analyse a few points from the 1999 film Fight Club)

In this trailer some binary opposites include the setting when the nameless potaginist (leading role) and Tyler Durden. When the nameless potaginist is on screen it appears in a very light and clean office this is oppostite to Tyler Durden who is seen in very dark and dingy places. The light and clean setting gives of the impression of purity and happiness. Whereas in the dark and dingy enviroments provoke thoughts of crime and depression.

A further binary opposition can be seen when the characters are wearing balaclavas with white tuxedos at 1:56. The use of the black balaclava is symbolid of a bank robber or crimianal. On the other hand by wearing the white tux that is symbolic of posh, upper class functions and events.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Genre conventions

Conventions are key ideologies that film makers stick to when making films, however these can be blurred and adapted. Conventions are required in media to give the audience an understanding of what to expect and roughly how aspects such as the plot, characters and mise-en-scene will plan out. 

When film makers see a decline in the popularity of  certain genres this is when some of the conventions may be slightly changed other wise known as the genre-cycle. When this takes place it must still be recognisable to the audience as their select genre however now given a fresh look to keep them interested and willing to keep watching.

Do conventions restrict or help a film maker?

One argument to say that conventions restrict film makers is that it may limit their creativity. This could be done if multiple genre conventions were mixed together into one film and making an original work, but then when put together it could appears very abstract with little to relate it to.

One final point is that it could also be said that by following these conventions it does make the job easier in that they know roughly how the plot should unfold and aspects like location and characters should be developed.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Genre/Sub Genre/Hybrid Genre


The basic concept of "Genre" is to group or to classify media types (i.e. films). These are done by recognising various conventions (set rules), iconography and mise-en-scene.

Iconography us used so that when people so something/someone they will link into to a certain style. If you see a tumbleweed it is an iconic image of an western film, similarly if you see the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger he is iconic to action films so a link is made between the two.

Mise-en-scene is what you see on screen. An example of this being used in relation to genre would be in horror. Horror often contains many close up shots of the actor's face to show emotion and give the audience a real sense of what the director is trying to portray.

Genre Cycle

As films are made it comes a time where the audience are no longer interested in seeing the same style repeatedly again and again. This is where the 'genre cycle' is introduced. In this film makers will adapt their next films to change small aspects of the genre to keep it fresh to audiences. However the changes made are usually only small ones due to the fact they still want to maintain the previous audience, who will enjoy a similar style film.

Sub Genres

Sub genres are where individual genres are broken down inside that genre to form other types. An example of this can be "Back to the Future" This film would be classed as a Sci-Fi film (science fiction) however it could also be a film on time travel and that would be it's sub genre within its overall genre of  Sci-Fi.

Hybrid Genres

A hybrid genre is where two or more genres are merged together, a popular one at todays time would be the romcom a mix of romance and comedy. Although most films are generally classified under one genre when looked under the microscope the majority of films contain lots of different elements of genre but are then put under the name of the most dominant of them.