Binary oppposition is the theory that you cannot understand one thing without an understanding of the opposite.
A few basic examples of binary opposition include:
- Hot & Cold
- Right &Wrong
- Light & Dark
- Happy & Sad
(I decided to analyse a few points from the 1999 film Fight Club)
In this trailer some binary opposites include the setting when the nameless potaginist (leading role) and Tyler Durden. When the nameless potaginist is on screen it appears in a very light and clean office this is oppostite to Tyler Durden who is seen in very dark and dingy places. The light and clean setting gives of the impression of purity and happiness. Whereas in the dark and dingy enviroments provoke thoughts of crime and depression.
A further binary opposition can be seen when the characters are wearing balaclavas with white tuxedos at 1:56. The use of the black balaclava is symbolid of a bank robber or crimianal. On the other hand by wearing the white tux that is symbolic of posh, upper class functions and events.